Registration Changes 

It is strongly recommended that full-time students not reduce their course load in any semester to fewer than four semester course units without consulting with their advisor, the registrar and, when appropriate, the associate dean of the first year and the financial aid office. It is expected that a student will consider withdrawing from a course only in extenuating circumstances. 

Students may not take a course load of fewer than 3.5 units in any semester without their student enrollment status or athletic eligibility status being affected. They must consult with their academic advisor(s) and the course instructor and submit a properly executed add/drop or withdrawal form obtainable through the Registrar’s Office. 

Students who begin the semester on part-time status, or who fall to part-time during the first month of the semester by dropping or withdrawing from a course (down to a total of fewer than 3.5 course units), will be certified as part-time students for New York state financial aid purposes, other private scholarships that require full-time certification, and repayment of student loans. They will lose their TAP and scholarships if they are part-time students. Foreign students, veterans and athletes who participate in an NCAA sport are also affected.